Review: Easy Cinemagraph Tool

Now a days, everyone requires perfection in his work. People do not accept even a single error in their work related to any particular field. The advancement in the fields of animations, advertisements and business marketing is the reason behind the creation of a strong competition. Cinemagraphs are considered as one of the most influential source to enhance business, publicity and animations but there is a need to find a remarkable site which can provide eye-catching cinemagraphs and living images.

Before trusting any person or a site, do check the reputation of the site as many features are to be considered in order to make a perfect cinema graph which can create a good visual impact on the viewers. The characteristics like quality, time, service, support, speed, revisions, attraction and easy communication method. In addition to this, you must take care of the payment methods and trials. is the most well-known site which is making it easy for people to improve their business, marketing, animated images etc. Thanks to the extra –ordinary staff which is the reason behind the leisure of many marketing companies and advertisement agencies due to the dedication and high level of professionalism.  The site has been providing software to many clients across the globe, especially the German and English speaking clients. Although it’s been five years for the site to provide people with exceptional easy cinemagraph and other products, but the popularity gained by the site has reached the horizons.


  • Good quality
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Eye catching
  • Wonderful visibility
  • Numerous formats
  • Many options 
  • Many languages
  • Export option to gain traffic on website
  • Free trials for Mac and Windows

Liquivid is the only site which provides software containing countless options to make an attractive cinema graph i.e. looping options, saturation, visual effects, text addition, highlight recovery and custom presets. What are you waiting for? Go get your desired cinemagraph tool and make you life easier.


The software provides a rotation option through which you can rotate the image at your desired angle. The rotation helps to make the cinemagraph attractive. Similarly, there is a crop option though which you can remove any useless part in the footage.


Visual effects are necessary to enhance the beauty of image.  The visual effects help to create an amazing living image. 23 different effects are provided which is the most unique attribute.


The site contains extensive variety of presets which are ready to be used.  This attribute helps to increase the level of professionalism in your footage.


Many input and output formats are provided for your animations including Animated GIF, HTML 5, JPG sequence, WMV etc.


Although the rates are cheap but the site provides free trials for Mac and Windows, so you may have no trust issues regarding any of the products. In addition to this, the free trial will help you to make a fair analysis about the product.

Do check the exceptional site and make your work more attractive.

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