5 Social Media Marketing Tips To Increase Your Followers
Social media marketing is an integral part of any modern day business plan. This will be the way that you find the most followers, who will in turn become potential customers and supporters. Social media will get the ball rolling on word of mouth marketing, and will help you to personally connect with those who support you.
The way that all of this begins is by first increasing your followers. Without an ample amount of followers on any given social media site you will never be able to push yourself, your brand, or your business forward. With this in mind, we have come up with five social media marketing tips designed to directly increase your followers. Incorporate them into your social media marketing campaign and watch as your following grows consistently as well as considerably.
5 Social Media Marketing Tips
Tip #1: Be Interactive
The first step towards growing your followers is to be interactive. If someone posts on your status or photo, write them back. Don’t just let your information sit there and do nothing. If you don’t write someone back who has taken the time to interact with you, then you will never stand out in that persons mind. They will easily and quickly forget about you and whatever it is that you are marketing. All it takes is a few minutes, once or twice a day, to respond to what people are saying or doing. Even if what someone has written isn’t really something you would reply to, you can like what they have said or just leave a smiley face. Remember that any type of interaction at all is better than nothing.
Tip #2: Use Multiple Social Media Sites
Use multiple social media sites as a part of your campaign so that you can reach a wider audience. Not every person will be on every site, so using more than one can increase your prospective audience considerably. On this same note, however, don’t use so many social media sites that you are strained in keeping up with them all. Sticking to two or three is a fairly good idea. For example, you may set up accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Or, you may decide to use LinkedIn, Google+, and Facebook. If you aren’t sure which sites to use, think about your target audience and which sites they are most likely to frequent. Set up your campaign and multiple accounts based upon that information.
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Tip #3: Mix Personal and Professional…Professionally
While you should always be professional and stick to a strict code of conduct (in other words, be polite and business like), you should tactfully make your audience feel as though they are getting to know you, not as though they are simply being sold to. An easy way to do this is mix in just a bit of personal information and professional advice in with ads targeted towards what you are trying to sell. For example, you may write something along the lines of, “I’m having a wonderful day! How is your day going?” or “I’m so excited about the way things have been going for me! I hope that you are doing as well as I am!” It’s as easy as that. Just make the audience feel as though they are connecting with you.
Tip #4: Post Often!!
This one is fairly self explanatory. Make sure you post, and do it often. Try to be steady about it also. Decide how often you are able to post. It might be five times a week, or two times a day. Dedicate yourself towards posting that much on a steady basis, and keep yourself in front of your audience. This may possibly be the most important tip of all, because remember that if you aren’t in front of your audience on a steady basis they will forget about you, and it can happen rather quickly at that.
Tip #5: Use Contests, Polls, and Giveaways To The Best Of Your Advantage
One great way to keep your followers involved and snag yourself some new ones is to run contests, polls, and giveaways. Use them to the best of our advantage! For contests and giveaways, one of the best things you can always do is having share the post or picture forward as a means of entering. This could ultimately put you in front of double your current audience! Besides which, everyone loves to get free stuff. If you offer free stuff now and again, you are much more likely to have repeat visitors to your social media page, which means that more of the information you post is going to actually get seen.
Those are our five social media tips to help you increase your followers. We hope you enjoyed learning them and that they serve you well, now and in the future. Good luck, and we wish you a worthwhile social media marketing campaign that grows your following, increases your sales, and expands your business or organization!
Great post Arlene.
Being interactive to gain more followers, I guess I am doing it wrong here. I need to change my strategy.
Mixing professional and personal stuff is where I am starting to see some results, otherwise it will just be like a bot. 😛
Thanks for coming by and leaving your comment. 🙂
Bashir this is an awesome post Mate
Interactivity is the key to success I guess it has many benefits and it impacts positively on your blog and your personality, thanks for sharing this resourceful post buddy 😀
Glad you liked my post bro.
Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Being active on social media helps to increase your popularity and in the long run, increase the traffic to your site.I have come to realise that sponsoring contest/giveaways really boost interactivity on your site and also increases the level of repeat visits. I have therefore decided to integrate this into my site and ensure it is done on regular basis.
Thanks for adding more value in my post Joe.
Thanks for the tips. Social media offer lots of facilities to its users. I think this article is the best guide to make full use of the facilities. Nice sharing.Keep it up. 🙂
Thanks Shaikh sahab for liking by article. Hope to see you around.
I am a newbie and I am learning. Trying to use your advices to get more followers. I post often, give freebies and use all social sites. Thank you for advices!
I’m sure this post will help you to increase your social followers. 🙂
Great post – a really useful resource and I have included many of these in my arsenal))
Ah, I’m glad you found my post great. Thanks for your comment.
your sharing such a nice info for new blogger like me it really helps bookmarked blog…
Thanks for liking by post bro. 🙂
Interesting tips on how to leverage social media marketing.Most of the small businesses utilize social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote their products and services. I have to say that I know some small businesses owners who benefited a lot from the use these social media sites.
Glad you found the post interesting.
Thanks for stopping by!
Very Innovative Post; Social Media is game could become game changer for you; only thing is that how you utilize social media sites effectively in order to promote your site/brand on social media.
Thanks for comming by and leaving your comment.
A great example about Tip #3: Mix Personal and Professional would be Brian Clark of Copyblogger. He often tweet useful stuffs and sometimes post something personal which (sometimes) I found very attractive and funny. This indirectly will allow people to know your personality.
Same here Rudd, I liked that tip personaly becuase it always work. When you have nothing to say about your profession then say and share your personal messages. Peoples would love to hear you.
i agree with your tips, i am actually maximizing the resources that these social media offers, exploit them as they say 🙂 . Thank you for sharing this!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Social media marketing is all about interacting well with the audience base in order to make the post go viral and make a definite place for itself in the hearts of the audience. Posting the blogs often is the definite key to gain more and more loyal readers. Thanks for writing the valuable tips.
You’re welcome Aayna.
Glad I could help. 🙂
Great post! Nowadays, social media marketing has skyrocket to a 100%. But without followers any marketing site is useless. Your 5 tips are sure helpful and will share it with friends in my social media.
You’re so right, without followers marketing is totally useless. I’m glad you found the tips helpful.
Thanks for stopping by!
Polls and give aways always work on the social media for increasing traffic. I appreciate your sharing these tips that will come handy for all those in this field..
Giveaways and contests surely works if you do them in the right way. 🙂
Yes, the more followers you have, the more interaction you are likely to achieve. Quality of followers is also important. You want people to follow you that have a really interest in the content you are posting.
thanx for this great post my frnd.
You’re most welcome Krishna!
Great to see that someone is going deeper than the usual Facebook / Twitter promo. Well done and keep up the great work!
Thanks for your appreciation and comment!
I think it’s a generic suggestion one can give but I might as well still use them. Anyway, they are applicable and I might gain more followers. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you liked the suggestions!
Thanks for coming by and leaving your comment.
Love #3 Bashir, it’s important to mix it up and not keep it boring or too sales oriented. #2 is good as long as you can handle the amount of social networks you are on.
Hi Lisa,
I’m glad you loved the tips, yes it’s very important to mixup things not keep it boring.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Really love the 3rd point..People love to connect with authors…The right amount of personalization would do miracles as far as increasing the followers in social media is concerned.
Hi Bashir,
Social media marketing is really useful for generating targeted traffic for your campaign. Make sure that you post too often on you social networking sites. It will help to grow the interest of your visitors and make the session interesting.