SEO Myths have You Confused? Here’s Help
If you are confused when it comes to search engine optimization you can join may others who feel the exact same way. There is a lot of information out there; unfortunately, SEO myths seem to be more and more abundant. So, what do you believe? The last thing you want to do is waste your time on the wrong campaign. Even if you intend on hiring an SEO company, you need to understand the topic, know what to look for and be able to avoid the myths.
You Should get a Guarantee
While many people assume SEO companies that offer a guarantee must be trustworthy and know what they’re doing, this is not necessarily true. In fact, no one can provide a guarantee, predict the future or know what changes Google is going to roll out next.
If the SEO agency you are considering claims that they have close ties with Google, be cautious. Google doesn’t tell anyone the rhyme or reason behind their algorithm so guarantees should be taken with a grain of salt.
SEO should Focus Only on Google
Although Google is a primary component that you want to focus on when it comes to SEO, it is not the only thing that matters. Understand that PageRank isn’t only determined by your content, keywords, sitemap and H1-tags. The number of links you have as well as if those links come from reputable sites plays a part too.
You Need a High-keyword Density
No, no, no! why are people still screaming their keyword and expecting Google to not be offended? It isn’t 2005 anymore! Times have changed, crawlers have advanced and keyword stuffing is out of style like the big hair of the 80s.
Google cares about content, accuracy and quality. Stop writing your content for robots and start writing for humans.
You Need Meta-tag Keywords
It used to be that meta-tag keywords played a role in your ranking; this is no longer the case. In fact, some even say that putting your keywords in meta-tags can hurt you because some SEO companies will use these to see what you are using to rank. Of course, this is a very undesirable and scrupulous practice.
Immediate Results
If an SEO company tells you that they can offer immediate results, run away. It is impossible to see spectacular results overnight simply by changing your SEO stragegy. In fact, SEO should constantly be addressed and tweaked so really, the campaign is never finished.
Looking for an SEO company who can deliver you the top position fast is not what you should be after. You need to find an ethical company who can get you results while also focusing on your long-term goals. Don’t ask an SEO agency how fast they can improve your page rank. Ask them how they will improve your overall SEO campaign to be successful now and in the future.